The Hilltops

The Hilltops “A hilltop is a point on the path where you regroup, refocus, look ahead, and see how best to walk the path to the next hilltop.” — Megan O’Sullivan (Founders V –...


The Hilltops “A hilltop is a point on the path where you regroup, refocus, look ahead, and see how best to walk the path to the next hilltop.” — Megan O’Sullivan (Founders V –...

Live the Vision®

Live the Vision® The goal of each Vision is to Live the Vision. This means that, after achieving the Specific Results of the Vision, you are able to continue achieving those same Results permanently. You must create and apply everything needed to achieve the...

Achieve the Vision

Achieve the Vision You must Live the Vision before you can Achieve the Vision. The latter takes place after everything needed to Live the Vision permanently is set up and in regular use, and you are consistently achieving the...

Complete the Journey

Complete the Journey When you Achieve the Vision, you also Complete the Journey to that Vision. If there are more Visions on the path ahead, your next steps will continue the Journey into the...

Visions Beyond

Visions Beyond You do not ever see the entire path to the Big Vision. You set a direction which passes through all Visions Beyond the current one. The path will emerge and become clear as you...

Problems to Solve

Problems to Solve The Problems to Solve are part of your Big Vision. They outline what you must transform to change your current situation and achieve your Big Vision. Big Vision...

Specific Results

Specific Results The Specific Results are part of your Big Vision. They describe the goal of each Vision with enough precise detail to prove that you have solved the Problems in that Vision. Big Vision...


Compass for the Journey Your Compass helps you check your direction and path to the end goal, and makes it easier to course-correct. In Vision and Journey®, your Compass includes: what matters, the Problems to Solve, and the Specific Results for your Visions...


An Initiative An initiative for transforming is a mission or series of projects that span all 3 Stages from creating the concept to achievement of the end goal. An initiative often enters a new frontier. In Vision and Journey®, an initiative can be the entire...

iterate, iterative

Iterate, Iterative To iterate when creating is to evolve a concept by working through a series of versions that each develop a concept further. Usually, each version depends on advances in the version before. Vision and Journey® is an iterative method that...

new frontier

New Frontier A new frontier is a situation you have not moved through before. Many decisions in this context are experimental, with early decisions often needing to be changed later on. Vision and Journey® helps you move through a new frontier by organizing...
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