Privacy Policy

Vision and Journey® International takes reasonable steps to control the collection, use and disclosure of personal information in accordance with requirements set out in the Privacy Act in Canada. The Privacy Act does not apply to personal information that is collected, used or disclosed only for journalistic, artistic or literary purposes.

Vision and Journey® International does not share or sell personal information or member data stored in our systems or any insights gleaned from our observation of such data, and only provides information that can lawfully be requested and provided, and only when it is required by law and when providing such information does not contravene the intent of historical universal declarations of human rights.


Vision and Journey® International DOES:

(1)    Collect as much personal information as is needed to operate effectively this website, library, content, products and services, including all parts delivered on integrated third-party software or on social media or other third-party platforms (collectively, the “Website” and/or “Services”);

(2)    Collect and retain information related to User experience, questions, requests, feedback, comments and similar information, and collect and retain aggregated data on use of this Website and Services that facilitates us in improving this Website and Services and the User experience;

(3)    Collect non-personal information and data as part of the operation and on-going improvement of this Website. An example of such data are “cookies” which may track an individual computer browser’s movement through the Website to enable linking of referrals and/or discounts;

(4)    Inform individuals from whom it collects personal information of the purpose for which the information is being collected;

(5)    Give individuals access to their own personal information collected, and amend inaccuracies in personal information when errors are reported;

(6)    Retain personal information for sufficient period after it was used to enable an individual to have access to and inspect their personal information.


Vision and Journey® International DOES NOT:

(1)    Collect information that personally identifies individuals except where individuals voluntarily provide this information. Examples of such use include Member registration and Affiliate Promoter sign-up, and Website and Services courses, competitions and awards;

(2)    Retain credit card information. All credit card information is handled by external third-party software services for member registration and payment processing and is not retained by us and is not stored at any location managed by us;

(3)    Share, sell or provide any personal information unless required to do so by law and where doing so does not contravene the intent of historical universal declarations of human rights;

(4)    Share, sell or provide individual or aggregated member data, statistics or analyses unless required to do so by law and where doing so does not contravene the intent of historical universal declarations of human rights.


For More Information

All questions related to the interpretation and application of this Privacy Policy should be directed to the Privacy Officer at Vision and Journey® International. You can send an email:  To the Privacy Officer.

Or write to the address below, and type “TO THE PRIVACY OFFICER” at the top of your message.


To the Privacy Officer
Vision and Journey® International
Suite #200, 100 Park Royal
West Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V7T 1A2