Map of the Journey

The Map of the Journey The Map of the Journey is not a plan of activities but the path of decisions you must make to achieve your...

Big Vision

Big Vision The Big Vision is more than your end goal. It is a series of small goals that lead to the end goal. It is your Compass. Library Hub for...


Vision The Vision is the next small goal on the path to your Big Vision. It should be simple enough to see and build...


Journey The Journey goes from ideas to goal. There is a Journey for each Vision, and an overarching Journey for the...


Brief The Brief builds strategic thinking. It helps you test whether your Journey can achieve the Specific Results of the Vision. The Brief tests the strategic Steps: 1 Intent, 2 Structure, 3 Product,...


Plan The Plan builds tactical thinking. It helps you test whether the specific path you are following can complete the Journey. The Plan tests the tactical Steps: 4 People, 5 Start‑Up, 6 Momentum,...


Start-up The goal of Start-up is to secure the first three hilltops on the Journey: 1 focused space, 2 a clear path, 3 all capabilities. Start-up is Step 5 of The 8 Steps of Creating® and part of the...


Momentum The goal of Momentum is to reach an optimum pace, so that the Journey can maintain speed and still go the distance. Momentum is Step 6 of The 8 Steps of Creating® and part of the...


Relationships The goal of Relationships on the Journey is to help you move forward, while reducing what obstructs or distracts you. Relationships is Step 7 of The 8 Steps of Creating® and part of the...


Flow The goal of Flow is to reduce the work and time needed to complete your Journey to the Big Vision. Flow is Step 8 of The 8 Steps of Creating® and part of the...


Intent Every Vision on your Journey begins with your Intent. It describes what you must transform to achieve the Vision, and why. Intent is Step 1 of The 8 Steps of Creating® and part of the...


Structure Structure is everything needed to organize the Vision and all activities that create, transform, achieve, and maintain the Vision. Structure is Step 2 of The 8 Steps of Creating® and part of the...


Product Product is the goal of all efforts in the Vision. It includes both the Product you build and the Specific Results of the Vision. Product is Step 3 of The 8 Steps of Creating® and part of the...


People The right People are those who see the same Vision, can complete the Journey, and will create the Vision as intended. People is Step 4 of The 8 Steps of Creating® and part of the...