Aim for What Can Be Solved
When our Big Vision involves unexpected, comprehensive change, we aim first for what can be solved — rather than for the full list of changes. This helps us refocus quickly and set a new path forward that we can rely upon.
Once we can see a possible path, we can more easily see how we might resolve the remaining list of changes as well. This approach helps us by clearing aside easier changes, so we can focus more effectively on the challenging ones.
For Example
Our job has involved in-person work with the same team for years — work we very much enjoy. Suddenly, we are assigned to a new team and must work remotely. Everything we loved most about the work is gone, including our office and work friends.
The work has changed so much that we decide to move on. After looking for alternative work, we consider making a transition to related or even completely new career paths. This may involve getting more training or going back to school.
Finally we decide to go into private practice. Our expertise is extensive, but other people have always handled the operational tasks. Quickly, it becomes apparent that starting up a new enterprise involves a lot of tasks that we have never done before.
We feel overwhelmed and a bit worried. It is important to get on track fast, establish the new initiative, keep income flowing, and achieve a routine and new way of working that we can enjoy. But the new tasks keep piling up fast — what should we do first?
Aim for What Can be Solved
Check List
Check List section 1 Check lists the Problems to Solve that you defined in your Work Tool. It prompts you to think about whether you can solve a problem, and suggests courses of action if you cannot solve a problem.
Check List section 2 Refine looks deeper into your Journey through Visions 1, 2 and 3 to the Big Vision. It prompts you to look at what each Vision is trying to accomplish, and at your capabilities for completing each Vision.
Task To Do | WEEK 5
Think of a scenario where you have experienced an unexpected change in your work and need to redirect your work or career. Create a Big Vision for this scenario by filling in the Work Tool and Check List apps.
Think of a more complex scenario where you decide instead to take on a start-up enterprise, such as a professional practice or small business. Create a Big Vision for this scenario by filling in the Work Tool and Check List apps.
TIPS for Tasks
For both tasks above, adjust or scale back your Big Vision until it consists only of Problems you know can be solved by you or by those helping you. You have now refined your Big Vision so it has a better chance of achieving success.
Throughout the Check List you will see questions with Yes|No answers – there are 10 in total. They help you self-assess your Big Vision. Use them to help you dig deeper, and find where you might give the picture more thought.
Featured Module
Big Vision
Levels of Big Vision
2Create a Big Vision by Evolving
2Create a Big Vision that Is Small
5Innovate to Get Better Results
9Create a Model County
10Create a Better World