Commit to Create a New Way
As a business or community grows, its standards from long ago cease to match current values, and it must commit to create a new way. Values and goals must be realigned, and products or services updated. But there is much more.
How a business or community operates and makes decisions is also aligned to its standards, so these must also be updated. All of this adds up to a comprehensive change — and that needs future thinking and true commitment.
For Example
Commit to Create a New Way
Check List and Score Card
Check List section 2 Refine reviews if you “Achieve What Matters” (just above Question 7). Make sure that each of your Visions build or achieve what matters, and that at least one achieves what matters most.
Score Card section 1 Assess sums up your Self Assessment and shows the app Score for Questions 1 to 10. Your app Score measures the consistency of your answers in the Work Tool and Check List, and provides feedback.
Task To Do | WEEK 9
Think of a product or service that no longer matches the values or standards of society today. Reflect on what it means to commit to create a new way for this product or service. Then use your Work Tool and Check List to develop Visions 1 to 3, or Visions 4 to 6.
TIPS for Tasks
Why do we commit to create a new way? Because we will not reach a better life, business, community or society if we do not complete and maintain the transformation from old to new. If we fall short, we will fall back to what we had before.
So we must set up measures to make sure we stay on track to our new standards. Reflect on this when working on the Task To Do. What must you do with a new product, service, or how it is managed, to ensure that it will uphold the new standards?
If you are making leadership or funding decisions, how will you make sure your initiative can improve as needed? Do not assume that the initial plan is enough to achieve the specific results. Assume that you will discover major deficiencies that prevent success.
Featured Module
Big Vision
Levels of Big Vision
2Create a Big Vision by Evolving
2Create a Big Vision that Is Small
5Innovate to Get Better Results
9Create a Model County
10Create a Better World