Create a Big Vision by Evolving
We create a Big Vision by evolving our picture of it over time. That picture should never be static. So when we are far away from it, we may only see a haze. But as we move closer, the haze should resolve, and reveal more details.
Most of the time, we know some things about our Big Vision — like problems we want it to solve, and how that leads to the better life, business or world in our dreams. Those ideas must be very clear to enable us to succeed.
For Example
Say our life is approaching a crossroads, and we are looking for a new interest to pursue. We have been gathering information, talking to friends and family, and have a lot of ideas. But nothing has yet taken shape, and we could go in any of several directions.
We need to decide what matters most, but are not clear about what that is, or what to do to figure that out. There is a lot to think about — what does the new interest involve? Does it take a lot of effort to get going? Where does it go in future? And so on.
Our crossroads may involve a career change. We feel it is time to move on, but have not settled on a direction. We need to weigh priorities — what matters most? Upward mobility or doing what we love? Maintaining income or learning new work skills? And so on.
Create a Big Vision by Evolving
Work Tool
Work Tool section 1 Clarify opens with a sketch of Your Dream and Big Vision, and what matters most, then asks what problems you must solve to succeed. Begin by focusing on your Problems to Solve. Those ideas will help you clarify your Dream and Big Vision.
Do not use the Work Tool as a form, but as a tool to prompt and evolve your ideas. Describe each problem with few words — hone in on the core issue, and not its features. Reflect more on what makes it important to your picture, and less on a description of the problem.
Task To Do | WEEK 1
Using the example above, reflect on and evolve a new direction for your interests. Jot down what matters, and hone in on what matters most. Think about what Problems you want to solve — as you do, it may change what you think matters.
Reflect on and evolve a new direction for your work or career. Do the same as the Level 1 task, but broaden the Problems to Solve. This direction affects your whole life. So you need to look much farther ahead to see a Big Vision that could still be decades away.
TIPS for Tasks
Make sure you are relaxed when doing either task. DO NOT analyze or plan. Use the Work Tool to prompt your creative thinking. Let your ideas bubble up, and make notes as they do. Think about values, consequences. Reflect on the picture as it emerges.
During the week, you may find ideas bubbling to the surface that you have forgotten. This is exactly what you want, as it helps you see what truly matters to you, and what is important to you to solve. You need this clarity to aim accurately for your Big Vision.
Featured Module
Big Vision
Levels of Big Vision
2Create a Big Vision by Evolving
2Create a Big Vision that Is Small
5Innovate to Get Better Results
9Create a Model County
10Create a Better World