Innovate to Get Better Results
Sometimes we run across unusual problems in our business and must innovate to get better results. We cannot use everyday methods because the problem requires a unique solution. And so we choose to innovate.
In so doing, we take on more than just innovation. These include impacts to many aspects of our business, such as business model, culture, policies, procedures, skills, technology, relationships, and so on. How do we keep it simple?
For Example
A science team is funded to carry out a unique world class project. But shortly after hearing the news, they learn that a team in another country already has an identical project underway. The first team’s project will be cancelled because it is no longer unique.
The team is not allowed to propose a new project. But they can modify their project so that it still qualifies for funding. To do so, they will need to innovate.
An online service designed for city dwellers with high speed access is expanding to serve geographically remote populations who have very limited online access. A redesign team is tasked with modifying the service so it can be used by remote service recipients.
The modified service will need to solve diverse geographical challenges, so the team will have to innovate to get better results and to set a flexible implementation plan.
Innovate to Get Better Results
Check List
Check List section 1 Check ends with 3 questions under “Check Your Aim”. You can answer “Yes” to all 3 questions after you have decided what to redesign and innovate in Vision 1. These are essential Problems to Solve.
Check List section 2 Refine asks: “Does the Vision achieve what matters?” For each Vision to move you forward, it must decide on, build or achieve what matters. And at least must achieve what matters most.
Task To Do | WEEK 7
Think of a project that involves redesign or new design by a team who will carry out the work themselves. They may also carry out or share work in collaboration with others. Follow the steps above to outline your Big Vision, and where you must innovate to get better results.
Think of a project that involves redesign or new design by a central team who must also collaborate with others as part of an innovation group. These may include regional teams and stakeholders. The same redesign will need to work in multiple regions.
TIPS for Tasks
Innovation does not mean you have to create everything, but you should avoid re-using past work too soon. You will get best results by innovating and redesigning first, and then seeing where previous work can easily and naturally fit in.
Featured Module
Big Vision
Levels of Big Vision
2Create a Big Vision by Evolving
2Create a Big Vision that Is Small
5Innovate to Get Better Results
9Create a Model County
10Create a Better World
For Example | LEVEL 
This is a test of the buttons for Levels 1 to 10. Is this the right place for this button? Perhaps it should come at the end, next to the Quiz and highlights buttons. It will then not distract the reading, be visible only to members, link to a doc explaining the levels, and not require 2 versions of the Notes for public and members.
For Example | LEVEL 
This is a test of the buttons for Levels 1 to 10. Is this the right place for this button? Perhaps it should come at the end, next to the Quiz and highlights buttons. It will then not distract the reading, be visible only to members, link to a doc explaining the levels, and not require 2 versions of the Notes for public and members.
For Example | LEVEL 
This is a test of the buttons for Levels 1 to 10. Is this the right place for this button? Perhaps it should come at the end, next to the Quiz and highlights buttons. It will then not distract the reading, be visible only to members, link to a doc explaining the levels, and not require 2 versions of the Notes for public and members.
For Example | LEVEL 
This is a test of the buttons for Levels 1 to 10. Is this the right place for this button? Perhaps it should come at the end, next to the Quiz and highlights buttons. It will then not distract the reading, be visible only to members, link to a doc explaining the levels, and not require 2 versions of the Notes for public and members.
For Example | LEVEL 
This is a test of the buttons for Levels 1 to 10. Is this the right place for this button? Perhaps it should come at the end, next to the Quiz and highlights buttons. It will then not distract the reading, be visible only to members, link to a doc explaining the levels, and not require 2 versions of the Notes for public and members.
For Example | LEVEL 
This is a test of the buttons for Levels 1 to 10. Is this the right place for this button? Perhaps it should come at the end, next to the Quiz and highlights buttons. It will then not distract the reading, be visible only to members, link to a doc explaining the levels, and not require 2 versions of the Notes for public and members.
For Example | LEVEL 
This is a test of the buttons for Levels 1 to 10. Is this the right place for this button? Perhaps it should come at the end, next to the Quiz and highlights buttons. It will then not distract the reading, be visible only to members, link to a doc explaining the levels, and not require 2 versions of the Notes for public and members.
For Example | LEVEL 
This is a test of the buttons for Levels 1 to 10. Is this the right place for this button? Perhaps it should come at the end, next to the Quiz and highlights buttons. It will then not distract the reading, be visible only to members, link to a doc explaining the levels, and not require 2 versions of the Notes for public and members.
For Example | LEVEL 
This is a test of the buttons for Levels 1 to 10. Is this the right place for this button? Perhaps it should come at the end, next to the Quiz and highlights buttons. It will then not distract the reading, be visible only to members, link to a doc explaining the levels, and not require 2 versions of the Notes for public and members.
For Example | LEVEL 
This is a test of the buttons for Levels 1 to 10. Is this the right place for this button? Perhaps it should come at the end, next to the Quiz and highlights buttons. It will then not distract the reading, be visible only to members, link to a doc explaining the levels, and not require 2 versions of the Notes for public and members.