Aim for Specific Results
When we focus on our Big Vision, we aim for specific results, and we do not target all parts of the picture equally. This sharpens our focus on priorities, reduces the work we must do, and gets us to critical results faster.
So what specific results should we aim for? We focus on those that solve the most important problems, or that make it possible for us to achieve what matters most rather than something of lesser import.
For Example
Let us walk through a simple example that is quite common today: We need to set up our work-from-home arrangements, and be able to concentrate on a major project by Monday.
We have never worked from home before, do not have a work set-up or spare room, and are lacking the right equipment. Our physical materials or tools cannot be arranged the way we are used to — and as a result, we keep losing things.
Our home does not have the professional ambience of our work location, and so it is harder to concentrate. There are also other distractions we are not used to, and we miss the workplace routines that gave structure to our day, and kept us on schedule.
Aim for Specific Results
Check List
Work Tool section 1 Clarify asks you for the priority of each Problem, which Vision you might assign it to, what “solved” looks like. In section 2 Aim, it asks you to describe the results of each Vision. You just need brief notes, but try to be specific about results.
Explore the Check List, both sections 1 Check and 2 Refine. The purpose of this app is to prompt more ideas by having you reconsider your ideas so far. At the end of section 2 Refine, the Check List asks how you will know you have achieved what matters.
Task To Do | WEEK 4
Using the example of a work-from-home space that meets external requirements, scroll through the Work Tool and Check List apps. Fill in first what easily comes to mind, then take your time and revisit your ideas. Fill in gaps, particularly in the Work Tool app.
TIPS for Tasks
As you reflect on your ideas, you may find that your Visions and Big Vision change. What appeared to matter most or the Problems to Solve may change. You may redefine the Visions, hone in on specific results, or modify results so they can be confirmed.
Let the apps guide you. They are designed to help you create iteratively (in cycles) and to prompt your ideas. Remember to relax, let your ideas bubble to the surface, and reflect on the specific results you need to achieve for now.
Featured Module
Big Vision
Levels of Big Vision
2Create a Big Vision by Evolving
2Create a Big Vision that Is Small
5Innovate to Get Better Results
9Create a Model County
10Create a Better World