from the Journey


Notes:  00-L02

Aim for Both Near and Far

by | Jan 14, 2021 | 00 Big Vision

To achieve our Dream and Big Vision, we must aim for both near and far goals. Near goals help us to change old habits and create new growth, while far goals keep us on course and provide motivation.

Our Big Vision requires us to achieve many small goals, but aiming for all those goals at once will scatter our focus and energy. It is more effective to pursue some goals in sequence, with each one building on those that came before.

For Example


Imagine that our Dream is to achieve a higher performance in a sport or discipline within 3 to 5 years. To get there, we may need to build strength and flexibility, sharpen timing and precision, add several advanced skills, or consolidate other improvements.

Some of these goals are a foundation for the others. Increasing strength and flexibility will enhance timing and precision, and all are required for advanced skills. Can we imagine a path through a series of these goals that will lead us to our Big Vision?


What if our Dream is to achieve a higher performance in a team sport or discipline? We have our own goals above, plus new goals such as coordinating better with team members. We also have new challenges, such as how to work well with team members.

Aim for Both Near and Far

Our series of near and far goals might look like this:


1  History   We have acquired basic skills in our sport or discipline, and want to excel

2  Vision 1   Build strength, flexibility so we can execute techniques for advanced moves

3  Vision 2   Run drills in advanced techniques to fine-tune position, timing, precision

4  Vision 3   Practice increasingly larger sets of skills, building to a full routine or skill set

5  Visions Beyond   Practice combinations of drills, sets and whole routines to perfection

6  Big Vision in 5 years   Look amazing, perform even better — win prizes, envy and acclaim!


Because we can see how each small goal (Visions 1, 2, 3) is essential to those that come after it, and to our far goal (Big Vision), our Journey and its motivation are clear. But most important, our path is simpler and has fewer details to focus on at any one time.

By narrowing our focus we sharpen our aim for each small goal and increase the intensity of our drive. As a result, we can progress faster than we would if we spread our energy over all our goals at once. So we will work just as hard, but accomplish more.

Work Tool

Work Tool section 2 Aim captures ideas, decisions and key points on History, Visions 1, 2 and 3, and the Visions Beyond. It also reminds you of which Problems you will solve in each Vision. It prompts you to think of what you are aiming for with each Vision.

As you reflect on section 2 Aim, you may find yourself revising your Problems to Solve and what matters most. This is good. All of the decisions in 1 Clarify and 2 Aim are essential to success. They influence each other, so they need to be considered together.

Task To Do  |  WEEK 2


Using the above example of goals in a sport or discipline, create and aim for your own near and far Visions. You can use a current set of goals. You can also imagine a situation, or draw upon experience, or reflect on something you have observed in others.


Apply the same example to a team sport or discipline. As well as building your own skills, your goals may include better skills for interacting, coordinating and collaborating with your team. The complexity of this situation raises your Big Vision to LIFE Level 2.

TIPS for Tasks

The purpose of these tasks is to experiment with creating a series of small goals that build on each other and lead to a big goal. As always, DO NOT stress, wrack your brains, or turn this into work! Just relax. You are developing foundational skills.

The above task is complex, so it may take you longer than this week to reach a concept you feel is right. Take the time you need. This Notes series presents examples of the Big Vision at increasing levels of complexity, up to the level needed to create a Better World.

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